1.  It looks to direct knowledge of the spirit world as the source of the paintings.

2.  Pinochet also claimed no direct knowledge of events at Pisagua and there were widespread fears that the case would be handed over to military jurisdiction.

3.  Indicators of the impacts of science need to be broadened to include training and networks, as well as direct knowledge transfer, according to Pavitt.

4.  Anyone with direct knowledge of such activity is, by definition, a beneficiary of the public funds.

5.  Another SEC official with direct knowledge of the investigation said it could be completed before August.

6.  Apparently with little direct knowledge of economics, Kuchma surrounded himself with competent technocrats.

7.  Boras said he had no direct knowledge that Sheffield had said anything to Sanders.

8.  A. I have no direct knowledge of that.

9.  A spokesman for Alchemy said the company had no direct knowledge of the counterbid and planned to conclude its negotiations with BMW by the end of April.

10.  A spokesman for Alchemy said the company had no direct knowledge of the counter-bid and planned to conclude its negotiations with BMW by the end of April.

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